What We Treat

Conditions We Treat

Compassionate, Collaborative, Evidence-Based Care

BACA supports teens and young adults diagnosed with:

  • Depression
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Emotional Dysregulation
  • Suicidal Behavior
  • Self-harm/Non-suicidal self-injury
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (DMDD)
  • Personality Disorders
  • Thought Disorders
  • Psychotic Spectrum Disorders
  • Behavioral Issues
  • Asperger Syndrome/ Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Parenting/ Family Issues
  • Social Skills Issues
  • School Refusal
  • Attachment Disorder
“We’re really good at this.”

Exceptional Care for Mental Health and Behavioral Disorders

We focus on adolescents and young adults who need more support than typical outpatient treatment, but don’t need the immersive treatment environment of inpatient psychiatric hospitalization. Our structured step-down process ensures a seamless continuity of care from our intensive outpatient programs (IOP) to our transitional outpatient programs.

Mental Health Facts and Figures


In 2022:

  • 4.8 million adolescents 12-17 had a major depressive episode

Only 40% received treatment

  • 3.5 million adolescents 12-17 had a major depressive episode with severe impairment

Only 44% received treatment

  • 7.0 million adults 18-25 had a major depressive episode

Only 56.7% received treatment

  • 5.1 million adults 18-25 had a major depressive episode with severe impairment

Only 67.1% received treatment

Suicidal Behavior

In 2022:

  • 3.3 million adolescents 12-17 had serious thoughts of suicide, 1.7 million made a suicide plan. and 953,000 attempted suicide
  • 4.7 million adults 18-25 had serious thoughts of suicide, 1.7 million made a suicide plan, and 728,000 attempted suicide

In 2022: 6,529 people 10-24 died by suicide and 16,724 people 25-64 died by suicide.


The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) reports:

  • 31.9% of adolescents 13-18 had an anxiety disorder
    • 8.3% had an anxiety disorder with severe impairment
  • 19.1% of adults 18+ had an anxiety disorder
    • 43.5% had mild impairment
    • 33.7% had moderate
    • 22.8% had severe impairment

The bottom line: millions of teens and young adults have clinical mental health disorders that prevent them from living life on their own terms, but not enough of them are getting the treatment they need to help them live the life they deserve.

We can help change that. Effective, evidence-based treatment delivered in a way that helps teens and young adults is life-changing. We can get you back on track, living life on your terms. 

Mental Health Treatment

How many people like me get help?

In 2021:

  • 7.6 million adolescents 12-17 received mental health treatment
  • 5.9 million engaged in outpatient treatment
  • 3.5 million engaged in outpatient telehealth treatment
  • 3.2 million took prescription medication
  • 783,000 were admitted to inpatient hospitalization treatment

Consequences of Untreated Mental Health Disorders:

What happens if I don’t get help?

When a mental health or behavioral disorder goes untreated, the consequences can be severe. With no treatment at all, potential outcomes include:

  • Withdrawal from friends, family, and favorite activities
  • Impaired performance and achievement at school and work
  • Turbulent relationships with friends and peers
  • Problems with family, including parents and siblings
  • Unstable romantic partnerships
  • Alcohol or drug use escalating to addiction/disordered use
  • Risky behavior: driving, sex, intoxicants, thrill-seeking
  • Escalating symptom severity leading to suicidality or self-harm

Consequences of Treatment:

What happens if I get help?

Treatment outcomes and progress vary by the individual. Success depends on several factors, starting with how you define success for you and your life. In most cases, patients with a clinical mental health or behavioral disorder who engage in evidence-based treatment provided by experience, skilled professionals experience:

  • Decreased symptom frequency
  • Decreased symptom severity
  • Improved school and work performance
  • Improved family and peer relationships
  • Increased overall wellbeing
  • Increased social functioning
  • Increased happiness, joy, and life fulfillment

At BACA, we get it:

Behind the attitude and acting out, there’s a person seeking connection.

Our job is to find a way to understand what they’re going through, allow them to see that we see what they’re going through, and wait for them to teach us how to help them.  We know that when we’re patient, and lead with kindness and understanding, they’ll open up on their own time and in their own way. That’s how real healing starts: patient and provider form a collaborative partnership, agree on goals, and work together to meet those goals.



Give Us A Call

Smiling man in a BACA pullover

Dewayne, Autumn-Myst, Foga’a, and Barbara are here to help you navigate next steps and answer any questions. No obligation.

Or click here to send us a message.