Transitional Care Services

Organized, structured step-down promotes continuous healing and growth.

Our unique step-down system ensures continuity of care and increases the chance of a successful transition from intensive outpatient treatment (IOP). Patients gradually assume responsibility for their progress as clinicians empower them to apply lessons from treatment to the challenges they face at home, work, and school.

The BACA Difference: What Happens After IOP?

When a teen or young adult finishes a BACA IOP, it’s not the end of their treatment journey. It’s the beginning of the next phase. Each patient takes a different path, directed by individual needs. We support our teens and young adults with therapy and psychiatric services until they’re ready to manage their mental health symptoms, engage in healthy relationships, and function in daily life using the skills and techniques learned during IOP.

In many cases, patients in intensive inpatient treatment will finish a formal program and get discharged without stepping down through less intensive levels of care. We take a different approach: when a patient completes our IOP, we design a progressive step-down schedule that eases them from one phase of recovery to another.


Smooth Transition + Uninterrupted Care = Long-Term Healing

Patients continue treatment at the same place, with the same therapists, psychiatrists, and counselors, but the frequency and intensity of the sessions gradually decreases. Typically, clients are in Transitional Outpatient care for 60-120 days. They’ll engage in one-on-one therapy once a week, and receive psychiatric care and medication management as indicated by diagnosis, medication stability, and acuity of symptoms.

During this transitional step-down period, our patients take ownership of the skills and tools they learn during treatment and adapt them to match their ongoing- and evolving needs. The most important thing we want all potential patients and families to know is this:

The end of a formal treatment program is not the end of healing or the end of progress: it’s the beginning of a full and fulfilling life lived on your terms.

BACA Transitional Care Locations

BACA San Jose

BACA Berkeley

BACA Telehealth



Give Us A Call

Smiling man in a BACA pullover

Dewayne, Autumn-Myst, Foga’a, and Barbara are here to help you navigate next steps and answer any questions. No obligation.

Or click here to send us a message.