teen girls driving in car

Summer and Teen and Driving: Ten Facts Parents Need to Know

Statistics from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) paint a frightening picture of increased the risks teen drivers face when driving during the summer months – dubbed “The 100 Deadly Days of Summer” by traffic safety experts.

Summer Teen Driving: Top Ten Facts for Parents

  1. Car crashes are the leading cause of death for teenagers, accounting for 33% of all accidental deaths.
  2. Teen car crash fatalities increase by over 25% during the summer.
  3. In June, July, and August, an average of 275 teenagers die in automobile accidents per month.
  4. Distracted driving causes 60% of teen car crashes.
  5. 12% of distracted driving accidents are caused by texting or talking on the phone
  6. 15% of distracted driving accidents are caused by distractions from passengers
  7. In June, July, and August, 43% of car crashes involving teens result in fatalities.
  8. 60% of fatal car crashes involving teens are alcohol related.
  9. 51% of alcohol-related teen driving fatalities occur on Friday and Saturday nights.
  10. In zero tolerance state like California, a teenager caught drinking and driving can face severe penalties, up to and including jail time.

Parents: please share these statistics with your teenage drivers so they know the risks. Together, you can prevent accidents from happening.

Resources for Parents

For additional information on teen driving and teen driving safety, consult these resources:

For help finding an officially licensed driving school with experienced and qualified instructors, look here:


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