Our Admissions Process

BACA: Our Admissions Process

We understand finding the best treatment for a mental health or behavioral disorder can be very challenging. Whether you’re a parent seeking treatment for your child, adolescent, or young adult, or you’re a young adult seeking treatment for yourself, we know the entire process can be confusing, frustrating, and possibly overwhelming. After spending time scrolling through pages of search results for the right facility, you may be ready give up.

It Doesn’t Have to be That Way.

Our goal is to help you navigate this process, minimize confusion, clarify complexities, and answer any and all questions you have. Our experienced admissions counselors support you every step of the way. We’ll help you understand the ins and outs of the admission process and make it as stress-free as possible.

It All Starts With a Phone Call.

Call (844) 560-5616 to speak to an Admissions Counselor now

During Your First Call

Our admission representative will take the time to listen to you to understand your situation and how we can best support you. The information we collect during this call help us recommend an appropriate level of care, based on your specific needs and circumstances.

We encourage you to ask as many questions as you have.

We want to answer all your questions. Don’t be shy. Take your time and ask about everything.

As we learn about you, we want you to learn everything you need to know about the services we offer and the services you should consider, based on your level of need and the level of care that aligns best with your clinical needs.

We will ask:

  • What’s going on with the potential patient?
    • Is there a current diagnosis?
    • What behaviors need addressing?
  • What have you tried already?
    • Therapy?
    • Medication?

In addition, we’ll ask for your insurance information so we can verify your insurance benefits and get the ball rolling. We’re willing to work on payment plans to help families manage their portion of treatment costs – call us and we can discuss options.

If You Decide to Commit to Treatment at BACA

If everything lines up and both you and our admissions counselor agree BACA is the right fit for your family, we start the process of gathering important documents. We’ll ask for:

  • Hospital records
  • Educational and psychological test results
  • Records from other treatment providers

This information helps us form a clear picture of your individual treatment needs and determine the appropriate level of care: out intensive outpatient program (IOP) or our outpatient program (OP).

IOP Admissions Process

We will complete a detailed screening session. We’ll ask questions about

  • Treatment history
  • Medication history
  • Past medical problems
  • Current medical problems/condition
  • Critical clinical details

Once approved for admission, we’ll arrange a date/time for admission to our IOP program. On the admission date, an experienced member of our clinical team will conduct a thorough psychiatric assessment.

Our Clinical Team Must Agree That BACA IOP is the Right Match For You.

If our clinical team indicates BACA IOP can meet your needs, admission happens immediately, that day. If the comprehensive psychiatric assessment includes details that make admission to BACA IOP inappropriate, we will refer you to a program or programs that may be a better match.

Important Note: This selective process is about getting you or your loved one the best possible treatment and ensuring you have the best possible treatment outcome. We want you to heal. If our clinicians determine you have a better chance of healing at a different facility, we’ll be transparent and help you find the help you need.

OP Psychiatry Services Admissions Process

If our admissions counselor recommends BACA outpatient psychiatry services, you can schedule an initial appointment with an intake advisor while on the phone. Our initial admissions phone screen provides us enough information to get you started on your treatment journey.

Our Promise: Transparency and Clear Communication

We view admission to BACA as a partnership between parents, young adults, and our entire team. We all want what’s best for you, your child, teen, or young adult: effective treatment for a mental health or behavioral disorder. We’ll walk you through the insurance or private pay process, start the process of a Pre-Admission Screening, and collect the information and documents necessary to set you up for a smooth transition into treatment.

To take the first step, call us today:

Call (844) 560-5616 to speak to an Admissions Counselor now

Give Us A Call

Smiling man in a BACA pullover

Dewayne, Autumn-Myst, Foga’a, and Barbara are here to help you navigate next steps and answer any questions. No obligation.

Or click here to send us a message.